JSL Crontab Generator is a GUI application that can be used to create new crontab entries easily. Its a Javascript application – so it will run from your browser – there is no download/install involved. This was created as a demo for my JSL Javascript Library.
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Top 4 Terminal GUI Applications
Terminal GUI Apps? Does sound oxymoronic doesn’t it? Well, there are GUI apps in the terminal – and here is a tribute to ones that I find most useful…
Continue readingCustomizing the Terminal: 6 Command Line Tips and Tricks
A few tips and tricks on the terminal to make you more efficient when using it. If you know of any other tips, add it in the comments section.
Continue readingmpg123/mpg321 – The Command Line MP3 Players
So far we looked at the GUI MP3 Players for linux – like Amarok, Exile, XMMS etc. Most linux users
Continue readingHow to Mount ISO/MDF Images in Linux
The mount command in Linux is a very powerful command. It can be used to mount any thing from a
Continue readingfish(Friendly Interactive Shell)
fish(Friendly Interactive Shell) is a new shell for Linux. I tried it out and have decided to dump bash for fish. Try it out – you will come to the same conclusion as well.
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