Fedora 9 has been released – I have been waiting for this. For those of you who don’t know, Fedora is my distro of choice. I have been using Fedora since Fedora Core 3. And I will be upgrading to the latest release as soon as I get my hands on it.
I have started the download – but I have a 256kbps internet connection – and it will take around 4 days for the download to complete. After the install, I will write a review on it. I can’t wait to see the new KDE!
I have began a process of backing up my data so that nothing will be lost during the upgrade. No matter how careful I am, I always manage to loose something in the upgrade. Yeah, I know – Murphy’s Law. I hate Murphy. I am waiting to see what I loose this time. Last time it was my database. Luckily I was able to restore it from my backup – but the data entered after the backup was lost.
Fedora 9 Links
- Download Fedora 9
- Fedora 9 i386 DVD Torrent
- Fedora 9 (Sulphur) Release Summary
- Fedora 9 Announcement
- Fedora Release Notes
- Fedora 9 Announcement in FOSSwire
Fedora and Me: A History
All Posts in the Fedora Category
Hehe, it is the bane of Indians to be stuck on 256 Kbps “broadband”.
Atleast you’re not on a 150 Kbps line as I am (will get 512 Kbps in June, as a silver lining in the cloud 😛 )
I’m wondering – why aren’t you using Ubuntu, or maybe Gentoo (if you’re that adventurous)?
I was on Fedora for a long time – I have not seriously thought of moving away. But its not due to loyalty – I am a fan of KDE and not the distro.
I like Gentoo – its the recommended distro for KDE. But its repository is not as large as Debian or Fedora. And Ubuntu is not an option for me – it uses Gnome.
Now Kubuntu – yes, I have had some thoughts about that one.
how connect bsnl broadband on fedora9
iam new user to fedora. I installed fedora 9 in my system after complete installation and normally reebooted but my system strucks after all start ups.I used interactive setup also but no use.
The same prblm occurs while using fedora 8 but i used interactive setup.then disabling the irq balance option in the start up . then it works fine.
please help me by giving u r valuable suggestion for me to work with my system with fedora 9 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
system configuration::
d102ggc2 mother board
intel pentium (d) 2.8 ghz
756 ram