Five Amarok Tips and Tricks



If the rating feature is turned on you can rate the songs from the player…

Settings -> Configure Amarok -> General -> Use Rating = On

Ratings in Amarok

Song Information Fetching

Amarok can automatically fetch information about the current song from the internet


Context -> Lyrics

This will fetch the lyrics of the current song from and display it within amarok.

Lyrics in Amarok

Singer Details

Context -> Artist

Fetches the Wikipedia page for the singer of the current song.

Album Cover

Right Click Song -> Edit Track Information -> Summary
Right Click on the CD Cover Image -> Fetch from
Click on the ‘Next’ button until you find an Image you like and then click ‘Save’.


If you want more from amarok, you can install some Amarok plugins(they are called ‘Scripts’ in amarok)

If you did not find the plugin you need, you can write your own plugin.

OSD for Current Song

It is possible see the title of the current song without opening amarok.

Settings -> Configure Global Shortcuts -> Show OSD = Ctrl+Shift+Q(for example)

Now whenever you press that shortcut, a small OSD will popup showing the name of the current song and the artist.

Browse the Amarok DB

Amarok stores all the information in a SQLite database(by default). This can be found at ‘~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/collection.db’. You can browse through it with a software capable of opening SQLite. You will find playlists, albums, fetched lyrics etc.

I have not found a practical use for this – yet. If you find any, let me know.

More Tips…


  1. how do you turn off the damned lyrics in amarok.. i don’t want/need them.. it’s a bloody nuisance..

  2. To turn off lyrics – I guess just close the Lyrics tab. If Layout is locked, click on View->Lock Layout (to un-check), Context (to un-check).

  3. media hot keys not working in amarok in fedora 16 while it is working with rhythmbox plz help me out i love amarok

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